Thursday, December 17, 2015

Introducing Stitch In Time

Today I am officially launching my new business, Stitch In Time.  If it involves a needle and thread, I can help you.  Whether you need alterations, repairs or custom sewing, call on me.

Growing up as a tall, skinny kid, I started sewing in order to have pants and sleeves that were long enough.  Out of necessity, grew a passion for creating clothing, accessories and crafts.  Then I became a theater geek and combined my passions to become a costume designer.

I now have the privilege of designing costumes for Theatre Lawrence on a regular basis.  When I'm not immersed in a show, I want to share my skills with all of you.

Have a prom dress that doesn't quite fit?  A bridesmaid dress in need of a hem?  Or a grandchild who just has to be Elsa for Halloween, give me a call.  I'm at your service.